The way we gather has been changed forever. How will we come together moving forward?
At long last, gathering is coming back. This re-emergence is the ultimate gathering makeover.
That's why I'm putting together a 4-part Gathering Makeover video series in the hopes that we can learn from one another how to approach the next phase of gathering.
Let's gather again as we never have before. Join me starting on July 28th from 3pm-4pm EST for this free 4-part exploration.
Sign Up for this Free 4-Part SeriesHere's the Plan
Over the course of 4 Wednesdays starting on July 28th, I'm going to invite a guest to join in conversation about an aspect of gathering and re-emergence. These will be live, video interviews with audience Q+A and chat built in.
Each topic was pulled from your feedback, so that the conversations we have will provide inspiration and actual practices you can use with your groups - whether they are at work, with friends and loved ones, or in your capacity as an event planner or facilitator.
Sign up is FREE and everyone who signs up will have access to an archive of the recordings.
The schedule is as follows:
Wednesday, July 28 at 3pm-4pm EST — The Power of a Host: Generous Authority and Orienting Your Guests
Wednesday, August 4 at 3pm-4pm EST — Navigating Re-Entry After a Long Time Away: The First Gatherings Back
Wednesday, August 11 at 3pm-4pm EST — Hybrid Gatherings and Designing for the Physical
Wednesday, August 18 at 3pm-4pm EST — Back To Work: How do we navigate gathering with our colleagues now?
How do we re-gather?
The decks have been cleared and we have an opportunity. During each live interview, we will reflect on the following questions, fundamental to our understanding of how to process and evolve our gatherings in their new iterations.
1.) What did you long for when we couldn't physically gather?
What did you find yourself daydreaming about from the before times that you cannot wait to get back to doing with people?
2.) What did you discover that you want to keep?
Did you have any experiences that improved connection with others this past year? That weekly family video call, more cooking at home, a slower social schedule?
3.) What gathering needs reinvention?
What specific gathering would you really love to rework or try anew?
Listen to the first Gathering Makeover with Brené Brown
On a new episode of her podcast Dare to Lead, we did a gathering makeover of Brené's weekly team meeting.
Sign Up for the Gathering Makeover
As soon as you sign up, you'll receive a confirmation email that will include a username and password.
We will send email reminders before the first live interview in the series kicks off on July 28th.